So what would be your real-life example where you learned the most? For me is around this: Even if a timeline was promised to the upper management, if there are no real stakes involved, pushing deadlines further only requires admitting a miscalculation. It was such a surprise for a team when I asked them ‘where do these dealines come from and do you know what happens if we move them’ and they realized: its us and no….

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My best learnings were also around recognizing what's internal vs. external pressure, and what affects what. So even if a deadline is internal, do you have any commitments/dependencies on top of that? Is your business dependent on a seasonal revenue opportunity (such as summer holiday season) that converts an internal deadline to an external factor? In any way, the most important aspect in my view is to understand the original hypothesis behind an initiative. And to recognize whether that has changed on the way.

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